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Geo Server installation and getting started
1 min readNov 28, 2022
First you need to have java installed on your system.
check if you have it
java -version
If you dont have any install it:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdksudo openjdk-8-jre
Optional: if you need postgreSQL as data store install it with PostGis:
sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib
sudo apt install postgis
Now download binary geoserver from its official website:
or use terminal for download and unzip. e.g:
Finally: copy or move the extracted folder to /usr/local/ and set the GEOSERVER_HOME environment variable:
sudo cp -r GeoServerExtarctedFolder /usr/local/
echo "export GEOSERVER_HOME=/usr/share/GeoServerExtarctedFolder" >> ~/.profile
. ~/.profile
#export GEOSERVER_HOME=/usr/local/GeoServerExtarctedFolder
sudo chown -R vahid /usr/local/GeoServerExtarctedFolder/
Now start the Server :